
Search component is a form element that allows the user to search for a specific item.

Design system docs

Examples Default search field

The default search field is basically a text input field with a search icon. It fires the dds-search event when the user hits the enter key or clicks on the search icon.

  description="Keresés a gyümölcsök között"

Search field can have autocomplete functionality. It can be used to suggest search terms to the user. Like any other 'select' component, the dap-ds-option-item elements should be placed inside the root component. You can listen to the dds-input event to fetch the data from the server, and you can use the dds-change event to get the selected value.

  description="Keresés a gyümölcsök között"
  <dap-ds-option-item value="alma">Alma</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="korte">Körte</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="szilva">Szilva</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="barack">Barack</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="szolo">Szőlő</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="meggy">Meggy</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="cseresznye">Cseresznye</dap-ds-option-item>
Search with manual input

Search field can have free text functionality. With this feature, the user can type in any text, not just the predefined options.

  description="Keresés a gyümölcsök között"
  <dap-ds-option-item value="alma">Alma</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="korte">Körte</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="szilva">Szilva</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="barack">Barack</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="szolo">Szőlő</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="meggy">Meggy</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="cseresznye">Cseresznye</dap-ds-option-item>
Search for the selected item text

With the searchForText attribute, the search field can be set to search for the selected item text instead of the value.

  description="Keresés a gyümölcsök között"
  <dap-ds-option-item value="alma">Alma</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="korte">Körte</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="szilva">Szilva</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="barack">Barack</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="szolo">Szőlő</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="meggy">Meggy</dap-ds-option-item>
  <dap-ds-option-item value="cseresznye">Cseresznye</dap-ds-option-item>
Remote data

Search field can be used to search for remote data. The dds-input event should be listened to and the data should be fetched from the server.

autocomplete.addEventListener('dds-input', event => {

  // Show the loading indicator
  autocomplete.loading = true

    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(data => {
      // Clear the previous options
      autocomplete.innerHTML = ''

      // Add the new options
      data?.products.forEach(item => {
        const option = document.createElement('dap-ds-option-item')
        option.value =

      // Hide the loading indicator
      autocomplete.loading = false
import { DapDSSearch } from 'dap-design-system/dist/dds'
Importing React
import { DapDSSearchReact } from 'dap-design-system/dist/react'

No slots available.

valuestringThe value of the search.
placeholderstringThe placeholder of the search.
placement'top' 'top-start' 'top-end' 'right' 'right-start' 'right-end' 'bottom' 'bottom-start' 'bottom-end' 'left' 'left-start' 'left-end'The placement of the select dropdown. Default is 'bottom-start'.
openedbooleanWhether the search dropdown is opened.
sync'width' 'height' 'both'The sync mode of the search dropdown. How the dropdown item size is synced to the trigger element'.
labelstringThe label of the search.
descriptionstringThe description of the search.
tooltipstringThe tooltip of the search.
size'sm' 'lg'The size of the search. Default is 'md'.
searchMode'none' 'typehead' 'autocomplete' 'manual'The search mode of the select. Default is 'none'.
disabledbooleanWhether the search is disabled.
requiredbooleanWhether the search is required.
readonlybooleanWhether the search is readonly.
autofocusbooleanWhether the search is autofocus.
clearablebooleanWhether the search is clearable.
autocompletebooleanWhether the search is autcomplete.
feedbackstringThe feedback content of the search.
feedbackType'error' 'warning' 'info'The feedback type of the search.
allowManualInputbooleanWhether the search allows manual input, or free text.
searchForTextbooleanWhether the search should search for the selected item text.
noTextCompletebooleanWhether the search should not complete the text.
searchButtonAriaLabelstringThe aria label of the search button.
openOnEmptybooleanWhether the search should open on empty results.
selectablebooleanShow the selected item check mark in the dropdown. Default is false.
noAnimationbooleanWhether the search open indicator should be animated. Default is true.
Event NameDescription
dds-changeFired when the search value changes.
dds-blurEmitted when the search loses focus.
dds-focusEmitted when the search gains focus.
dds-clearEmitted when the search is cleared.
dds-searchEmitted when the search input value changes.
dds-inputEmitted when typing happens in the search input.
CSS Parts
Part NameDescription
baseThe main search container.
triggerThe trigger button of the search.
labelThe label of the search.
descriptionThe description of the search.
feedbackThe feedback of the search.
tooltipThe tooltip of the search.
option-listThe option list of the search.