
Link is used to navigate to another page or resource.

Design system docs Examples Default link
<dap-ds-link href="">Link</dap-ds-link>
<a class="dds-link dds-link--brand" href="#">Link pure css</a>

The link component comes in 4 sizes: xs, sm, md and lg. The size is determined by the context around the link

<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <dap-ds-link size="xs">Extra Small Link</dap-ds-link>
  <dap-ds-link size="sm">Small Link</dap-ds-link>
  <dap-ds-link size="md">Medium Link</dap-ds-link>
  <dap-ds-link size="lg">Large Link</dap-ds-link>
<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand dds-link--xs" href="#">Link pure css</a>
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand dds-link--sm" href="#">Link pure css</a>
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand dds-link--md" href="#">Link pure css</a>
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand dds-link--lg" href="#">Link pure css</a>
Color variants

The link can be used in brand, neutral and inverted colors. The default color is the brand color.

<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <dap-ds-link variant="brand">Barand Link</dap-ds-link>
  <dap-ds-link variant="neutral">Neutral Link</dap-ds-link>
  <div style={{ backgroundColor: 'var(--dds-background-brand-base-inverted)'}}>
    <dap-ds-link variant="inverted">Inverted Link</dap-ds-link>
<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand" href="#">Link pure css</a>
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--neutral" href="#">Link pure css</a>

  <div style={{ backgroundColor: 'var(--dds-background-brand-base-inverted)'}}>
    <a class="dds-link dds-link--inverted" href="#">Link pure css</a>
Bold links

The bold style is usually used when the link is not part of a flowing text.

<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <dap-ds-link bold>bold link</dap-ds-link>
  <dap-ds-link>simple link</dap-ds-link>
<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand dds-link--bold" href="#">Link pure css</a>
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand" href="#">Link pure css</a>

Links embedded in the text are always underlined. For separate links, if the interactivity is clear based on the context - for example in the header or footer - the underline can be omitted.

<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <dap-ds-link noUnderline>no underline link</dap-ds-link>
  <dap-ds-link >underline link</dap-ds-link>
<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand dds-link--no-under-line" href="#">Link pure css</a>
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand" href="#">Link pure css</a>

The icon can be placed both before and after the link. Basically the link component can wrap any content.

<dap-ds-link size="lg">
  <dap-ds-icon name="arrow-down-line" />
  <dap-ds-icon name="arrow-down-line" />
<a class="dds-link dds-link--brand dds-link--lg" href="#">
  <dap-ds-icon name="arrow-down-line" />
  <dap-ds-icon name="arrow-down-line" />
<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <dap-ds-link disabled>disabled link</dap-ds-link>
  <dap-ds-link >active link</dap-ds-link>
<dap-ds-stack direction="row">
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand dds-link--disabled" href="#">Link pure css</a>
  <a class="dds-link dds-link--brand" href="#">Link pure css</a>
import { DapDSLink } from 'dap-design-system/dist/dds'
Importing React
import { DapDSLinkReact } from 'dap-design-system/dist/react'
size'lg', 'md' , 'sm' , 'xs'The size of the link
variant'neutral', 'brand' , 'inverted' , 'warning''brand'The theme of the link
target'_blank', '_self' , '_parent' , '_top''_self'The target of the link.
boldbooleanBold link style
noUnderlinebooleanRemoves underline style
hrefstring'#'The href / URL of the link
disabledbooleanfalseDisabled state of the link
relstring'noreferrer noopener'The rel of the link
downloadbooleanfalseThe download attribute of the link
(default)The text of the link.

No custom events available.

CSS Parts
Part NameDescription
baseThe main link container.
textThe text of the link.