Feedback message

Feedback component can be used to give more information to the user about the input field. It can be used to give a hint about the input field or to give an error message.

Design system docs Examples Variants

The feedback component comes in four variants. The info variant is used to give information to the user, the error variant is used to give an error message, the warning variant is used to give a warning message, and the success variant is used to give a success message.

<dap-ds-feedback feedbackType="negative">
  This is an error message

<dap-ds-feedback feedbackType="warning">
  This is a warning message

<dap-ds-feedback feedbackType="positive">
  This is a success message

Pure CSS feedback

<div className="dds-feedback dds-feedback--negative">
  <dap-ds-icon class="feedback__icon" size="sm" name="error-warning-fill">
  This is an error message

<div className="dds-feedback dds-feedback--warning">
  <dap-ds-icon class="feedback__icon" size="sm" name="error-warning-fill">
  This is a warning message

<div className="dds-feedback dds-feedback--positive">
  <dap-ds-icon class="feedback__icon" size="sm" name="checkbox-circle-fill">
  This is a success message

The feedback component comes with a subtle variant. The subtle variant is used to give a subtle message to the user.

<dap-ds-feedback feedbackSubtle>
  This is a subtle message

Pure CSS feedback

<div className="dds-feedback dds-feedback--subtle">
  <dap-ds-icon class="feedback__icon" size="sm" name="checkbox-circle-line">
  This is a subtle message

The feedback component comes in two sizes: small, and large. The default size is sm.

<dap-ds-feedback feedbackSize="xs" feedbackType="info">
  This is a extra small info

<dap-ds-feedback feedbackType="info">
  This is a small info

<dap-ds-feedback feedbackSize="lg" feedbackType="info">
  This is a large info

Pure CSS feedback

<div className="dds-feedback dds-feedback--xs">
  <dap-ds-icon class="feedback__icon" size="xs" name="information-fill">
  This is a extra small info

<div className="dds-feedback">
  <dap-ds-icon class="feedback__icon" size="sm" name="information-fill">
  This is a small info

<div className="dds-feedback dds-feedback--lg">
  <dap-ds-icon class="feedback__icon" size="lg" name="information-fill">
  This is a large info
Custom Icon

The feedback component can have a custom icon. The icon can be added by using the icon slot.

<dap-ds-feedback feedbackType="info">
  <dap-ds-icon slot="icon" name="cookie-line"></dap-ds-icon>
  This is a custom icon

Pure CSS feedback

<div className="dds-feedback">
  <dap-ds-icon class="feedback__icon" name="cookie-line">
  This is a custom icon
import { DapDSFeedback } from 'dap-design-system/dist/dds'
Importing React
import { DapDSFeedbackReact } from 'dap-design-system/dist/react'
feedbackstringThe feedback message.
feedbackSize'negative', 'positive' , 'warning'The type of the feedback.
feedbackSubtlebooleanThe weight of the feedback.
feedbackNoMarginbooleanRemoves the margins around the feedback.
feedbackIdstringThe id of the feedback.
iconThe custom icon of the feedback.
(default)The text of the feedback.

No custom events available.

CSS Parts
Part NameDescription
baseThe main feedback container.
iconThe icon of the feedback.
textThe text of the feedback.