
Callout is a component that can be used to display important information to the user. It can be used to display warnings, errors, or other important information.

Design system docs Examples Default callout
<dap-ds-callout title="Info">
This component is under contruction. Please check back later.

Callouts can have different variants to indicate the importance of the message. Default variant is brand.

  <dap-ds-callout variant="brand" title="Brand">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
  <dap-ds-callout variant="info" title="Info">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
  <dap-ds-callout variant="positive" title="Positive">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
  <dap-ds-callout variant="warning" title="Warning">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
  <dap-ds-callout variant="negative" title="Negative">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.

All callout variants can have different shades which is basically the background color shade. Default shade is base.

  <dap-ds-callout shade="subtle" title="subtle">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
  <dap-ds-callout shade="base" title="base">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
  <dap-ds-callout shade="medium" title="medium">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
  <dap-ds-callout shade="strong" title="strong">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.

Callouts can be aligned horizontally or vertically. Default alignment is horizontal.

  <dap-ds-callout alignment="horizontal" title="Horizontal">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
  <dap-ds-callout alignment="vertical" title="Vertical">
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.

Callouts can have border by setting the noBorder attribute to false.

<dap-ds-callout noBorder="false" title="Border">
  This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
Close button

Callouts can have a close button by setting the closeable attribute to true. You can listen to the dds-close event to handle the close action.

<dap-ds-callout closeable title="Closeable">
  This component is under contruction. Please check back later.

Callouts can have an icon by adding content to the slot='icon'. It can be any svg icon.

  <dap-ds-callout title="Slot icon">
    <dap-ds-icon-cookie-line slot="icon"></dap-ds-icon-cookie-line>
    This component is under contruction. Please check back later.
import { DapDSCallout } from 'dap-design-system/dist/dds'
Importing React
import { DapDSCalloutReact } from 'dap-design-system/dist/react'
variant'brand', 'positive' , 'info' , 'warning' , 'negative''brand'The variant of the callout
alignment'vertical', 'horizontal''horizontal'The alignment of the callout. Can be vertical or horizontal.
shade'subtle', 'base' , 'medium' , 'strong''base'The strongness of the callout. Can be subtle, base, medium, or strong.
noBorderString'true'The border of the callout
closeablebooleanfalseIf the callout has a close button
titlestringThe header of the callout
closeButtonLabelstringThe label of the close button
openedstring'true'If the callout is opened
(default)The content of the callout.
titleThe title of the callout.
iconThe icon of the callout.
actionsThe actions of the callout.
closeThe close button of the callout.
Event NameDescription
dds-closeFired when the close button is clicked.
CSS Parts
Part NameDescription
baseThe main callout container.
iconThe icon of the callout.
titleThe title of the callout.
descriptionThe description of the callout.
actionsThe actions of the callout.
closeThe close button of the callout.