
Banners are used to display important information to users. They can be used to inform users about new features, changes, or updates.

Design system docs Examples Default banner
Már letölthető az alkalmazás legújabb verziója!

Banners can have different variants to indicate the importance of the message.

<dap-ds-banner variant="info">
  INFO Már letölthető az alkalmazás legújabb verziója!
<dap-ds-banner variant="positive">
  POSITIVE Már letölthető az alkalmazás legújabb verziója!
<dap-ds-banner variant="warning">
  WARNING Már letölthető az alkalmazás legújabb verziója!
<dap-ds-banner variant="negative">
  NEGATIVE Már letölthető az alkalmazás legújabb verziója!
<dap-ds-banner variant="brand">
  BRAND Már letölthető az alkalmazás legújabb verziója!
Closeable banner

Banners can be closeable by adding the closeable attribute. You can listen to the dds-close event to handle the close action.


<dap-ds-banner closeable>
Már letölthető az alkalmazás legújabb verziója!


document.querySelector('dap-ds-banner').addEventListener('dds-close', () => {
  item.setAttribute('opened', 'false')
  console.log('Banner closed');
Banner with action

You can add actions to the banner by adding a dap-ds-link or any other element to the actions slot.

<dap-ds-banner variant="info" closeable>
<span slot="title">Title</span>
  Brand content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
  elit. Sed nonne merninisti licere mihi ista probare, quae sunt a te
  dicta? Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
<dap-ds-link slot="actions" variant="inverted" href="#">Action 1</dap-ds-link>
<dap-ds-link variant="inverted" slot="actions" href="#">Action 2</dap-ds-link>
Custom icon

You can add a custom icon to the banner by adding an element to the icon slot or you can use the icon attribute to add an icon from the icon library.

<dap-ds-banner variant="info" closeable icon="arrow-down-line">
  <span slot="title">Title</span>
  <span>Icon from built in icons</span>
  <dap-ds-link slot="actions" variant="inverted" href="#">Action 1</dap-ds-link>
  <dap-ds-link variant="inverted" slot="actions" href="#">Action 2</dap-ds-link>

<dap-ds-banner variant="info" closeable icon="cookie-line">
  <span slot="title">Title</span>
  <dap-ds-icon slot="icon" name="cookie-line"></dap-ds-icon>
  <span>Custom dap-ds-icon</span>
  <dap-ds-link slot="actions" variant="inverted" href="#">Action 1</dap-ds-link>
  <dap-ds-link variant="inverted" slot="actions" href="#">Action 2</dap-ds-link>
import { DapDSBanner } from 'dap-design-system/dist/dds'
Importing React
import { DapDSBannerReact } from 'dap-design-system/dist/react'
variant'brand', 'positive' , 'info' , 'warning' , 'negative''brand'The variant of the banner
closeablebooleanWhether the banner is closeable
openedstring'true'State of the banner. If false banner is hidden
closeButtonLabelstring'close'The aria-label for the close button
iconstringThe icon of the banner, this is a name of a built icon icon
(default)The content of the banner.
actionsActions of banner
iconThe icon of the banner.
Event NameDescription
dds-closeEvent fired when the banner is closed.
CSS Parts
Part NameDescription
baseThe main banner container.
card-baseThe wrapper card container.
iconThe icon of the banner.
icon-elementThe icon element of the banner.
icon-baseThe base of the icon.
closebuttonThe close button of the banner.
close-icon-elementThe icon element of the close button.
close-icon-baseThe base of the close button icon.
actionsThe actions of the banner.
titleThe title of the banner.